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Master Weight Loss Strategy at Your Fingertip!

This life's precious liquid-water is an effective weight loss therapy neglected by many. Why do we say so? The minimum daily intake recommended for a healthy person is between eight to ten glasses of quarter-liter each. Overweight and obese needs extra quantity. May be your now see that you are seriously lagging behind. Don't worry you will find helpful suggestion. Why is water intake a prerequisite for weight loss?
First. This life's precious liquid called water has no calories; it is completely free of fat and no room for cholesterol in it. The above three element is most dreaded by an obese or overweight person.
In the second place, water helps the body to metabolize stored fat. How is this done? Well, when the kidneys do not have enough water, they can function properly. At this stage, the liver steps in to assist, but this hinders it ability to metabolize fat effectively. The fat thus remains stored in the body, and you add more weight. Therefore, Dr. Donald Robertson of the Southwest Bariatric Nutrition Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., recommends: "proper water intake is a key to weight loss. If people who are trying to lose weight don't drink enough water, the body cannot
Metabolize the fat adequately."
Third. Water is an appetite suppressant. When enough quantity of water is taken regularly, it helps you to eat less and reduce the frequency of meals, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
It is a mistake for people who are prone to water retention to assume that the solution is to reduce water intake. It does not work that way. It even induces your body to retain more water. How? When your body experiences a water deficit, it tries to hold on to every available drop, storing them in places like as the hands, the feet, and the legs. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that you give your body enough water. Please remember to reduce salt intake. The more quantity of salt consumed, the more quantity of water retained for dilution.
Hence, water is badly needed if any weight loss strategy is to be effective, what suggestion are there for increasing water intake?
Tips for increasing water intake.
Carry a water bottle. This enables you to have ready access to water. In fact, carrying a water bottle is a powerful reminder that you must work at weight loss 24/7.
Drink before, during, and after each exercise. Metabolism rate tends to be higher during exercise, this cannot be achieved without enough water intake. Thus, you can effectively fight obesity with the aid of water.
Drink a glass with every meal.
Take water breaks instead of coffee breaks. It has been said that water has no calorie or fat.
Improve the taste of tap water, by adding lemon juice or use a filter.
Effective weight loss strategy is imperative for healthy living. This natural liquid called water had come to the rescue of many. Take enough quantity for effective metabolism. Carry a water bottle to ensure you have regular access to safe water. Without a doubt, water burns excess body fat beyond your imagination.


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